Two-dimensional arrays
Steven Taschuk
staschuk at
Tue May 27 12:00:49 EDT 2003
Quoth Peter Slizik:
> But I want to ask: When does Python merge two same objects into one and
> when does it treat as two different objects? Is there any general rule?
"Merging" is not the right way to think of it. Any time you
multiply a list you'll have multiple references to the same
>>> L = ['foo bar']
>>> L = 5*L
>>> L
['foo bar', 'foo bar', 'foo bar', 'foo bar', 'foo bar']
>>> L[0] is L[1] # same object in both spots
This list has five references to the same object. Note that it is
possible (with this string, on CPython 2.2.2) to have a distinct
string object with the same characters:
>>> x = 'foo bar'
>>> L[0] is x # distinct objects
>>> L[1] = x
>>> L[0] is L[1]
But multiplying a list doesn't create copies. And *that's* the
way to think of it -- nothing's been merged, it's just that copies
haven't been made.
To put it another way: multiplying a list
M = n*L
creates the same list as
M = []
for i in range(n):
for elem in L:
In this latter form I hope it is obvious that M gets multiple
copies of the same objects.
With lists of strings, ints, floats, etc., you won't usually
notice or care about this sharing, since these objects are
immutable; thus it doesn't matter whether you use one or many
objects for, e.g., the number 6. But with mutable objects such as
L = []
M = 5*[L]
is equivalent to
M = []
for i in range(5):
for elem in [L]:
which could be simplified to
M = []
for i in range(5):
So you get five references to L, as before, and changes via any
one of them are visible via the others too.
Steven Taschuk "[W]e must be very careful when we give advice
staschuk at to younger people: sometimes they follow it!"
-- "The Humble Programmer", Edsger Dijkstra
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