Gerhard Häring
gh at
Fri May 30 20:50:41 EDT 2003
An anonymous coward ("AnOn") wrote:
> Take NOTE people!!!
> The people associated with Twisted are nothing less than self serving
> biggots.
> They do the Python Community a world of hurt with every day that goes
> by.
They tend to overly advertise their framework on #python.
> These people clame to be apart of the free software open source
> community yet they use tactics that can be classed as no less than,
> PROGHANDA in it's and theirs relentless trashing of anything but
> Twisted.
> They lurk on -org and they pretend to be of the python
> community,
They do not "pretend to be the Python community". They're a part of the
Python community that's grossly overrepresented on the #python channel.
That's all.
> and full of help for all things and people of python inclings.
We usually are helpful on #python. Unless somebody is trolling or a
otherwise waste of time.
> YET, they slam down all those who know not what they do, they belittle
> those who come to them seaking help,
> and worst of all, they SLAG OFF anything network relatted in the
> Python distrobution it's self, such as Socket code, in their
> relentless steam-roller path to promote Twisted.
As I said, they overly advertise Twisted. The reason is they're quite
enthusiastic about it. I personally like Twisted, too. If only I could
find an application that would lend itself to the asynchronous model ;-)
> These people are only out for one thing, to further their own business
> careers, and financial situation, so take heed my fellow Python
> lovers.
> do-not-goto or ircnet or efnet and the channel #python
> that lies copy-paste bot-linked together
It's an IRC relay bot. Written in Twisted btw.
Quite the contrary btw. #python is a great and friendly channel and I'm
sure you fellows here would enjoy hanging out there.
> on all three irc networks via code making use of Twisted, because if
> you are not going to use Twisted, then to them YOU ARE THE ENEMY.
Ok. Why don't you go somewhere else? Where do you want to troll today?
Oh yes, I see: comp.lang.python.
> [...]
> Signed:::A Python fan.
An anonymous coward. What else did I expect?
-- Gerhard (inapt on #python)
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