putting Image from database in cgi app

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at pythonware.com
Wed May 21 11:02:34 EDT 2003

Gerhard Häring wrote:

> >>In the end, using the temp file is probably the easiest solution, at
> >>least as long as the web technology you use is CGI.
> >
> > and you never have more than one visitor at a time, or don't care
> > if people don't get the right cover...
> How would that be a problem? Just create a unique name for the temp
> file, put in a directory, like, say "cache/" and have a cron job that
> periodically deletes old temp files.

uhuh.  so now you have to invent a naming scheme, make sure you
have enough diskspace to hold cached data for an unknown number
of customers, make sure your cron job works as expected (if it stops,
you may fill the disk; if it removes everything every time it runs, your
customers can still end up with broken images) -- and even if every-
thing works as planned, your customers may still end up with broken
images, since you cannot guarantee that a client browser will always
refetch the original page before the image when the user moves
around in the browser history.

how exactly is this easier than writing a 10-line CGI script that does
the right thing?


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