passing by refference
Terry Reedy
tjreedy at
Wed May 14 13:05:14 EDT 2003
"Fredrik Lundh" <fredrik at> wrote in message
news:mailman.1052920226.15446.python-list at
> did you read reference 1?
> in case your PDF reader is broken, here are the relevant portions
> that document (any typos etc added by me).
> "The basic elements of CLU semantics are _objects_ and
> _variables_. Objects are the data entities that are created and
> manipulated by CLU programs. Variables are just the names used
> in a program to refer to objects.
<etc. rest of excellent extract>
Thanks for extracting this Fredrik. With Python substituted for CLU
(and the other substitutions you mentioned), this is one of the
clearest descriptions of Python semantics I have seen (in over 6
years). Anyone not crystal clear on Python's data model should save
this and reread periodically.
Terry J. Reedy
> In CLU, each object has a particular _type_, which characterizes
> its behavior. A type defines a set of operations that create
> and manipulate objects of that type. An object may be created
> and manipulated only via the operations of its type.
> An object may _refer_ to objects. For example, a record object
> refers to the objects that are the components of the record.
> This notion is one of logical, not physical, containment. In
> particular, it is possible for two distinct record objects to
> refer to (or _share_) the same component object. In the case of
> a cyclic structure, it is even possible for an object to
> "contain" itself. Thus it is possible to have recursive data
> structure definitions and shared data objects without explicit
> reference types. /.../
> CLU objects exist independently of procedure activations. Space
> for objects is allocated from a dynamic storage area /.../ In
> theory, all objects continue to exist forever. In practice, the
> space used by an object may be reclaimed when the object isno
> longer accessible to any CLU program.
> An object may exhibit time-varying behavior. Such an object,
> called a _mutable_ object, has a state which may be modified by
> certain operations without changing the identity of the
> object. /.../
> If a mutable object _m_ is shared by two other objects _x_ and
> _y_, then a modification to _m_ made via _x_ wil be visible when
> _m_ is examined via _y_. /.../
> Objects that do not exhibit time-varying behavior are called
> _immutable_ objects, or constants. Examples of constants are
> integers, booleans, characters, and strings. The value of a
> constant object can not be modified. For example, new strings
> may be computed from old ones, but existing strings do not
> change. Similarily, none of the integer operations modify the
> integers passed to them as arguments.
> Variables are names used in CLU programs to _denote_ particular
> objects at execution time. Unlike variables in many common
> programming languages, which _are_ objects that _contain_
> values, CLU variables are simply names that the programmer uses
> to refer to objects. As such, it is possible for two variables
> to denote (or _share_) the same object. CLU variables are much
> like those in LISP and are similar to pointer variables in other
> languages. However, CLU variables are _not_ objects; they
> cannot be denoted by other variables or referred to by
> objects. /.../
> The basic actions in CLU are _assignment_ and _procedure
> invocation_. The assignment primitive 'x := E' where _x_ is a
> variable and _E_ is an expression, causes _x_ to denote the
> object resulting from the evaulation of _E_. For example, if
> _E_ is a simple variable _y_, then the assignment 'x := y'
> causes _x_ to denote the object denoted by _y_. The object is
> _not_ copied, it will be _shared_ by _x_ and _y_. Assignment
> does not affect the state of any object. (Recall that 'r.s :=
> v' is not a true assignment, but an abbreviation for 'put.s(r,
> v)'.)
> Procedure invocation involves passing argument objects from the
> caller to the called procedure and returning result objects from
> the procedure to the caller. The formal arguments of a
> procedure are considered to be local variables of the procedure
> and are initialized, by assignment, to the objects resulting
> from the evaluation of the argument expressions. Thus argument
> objects are shared between the caller and the called procedure.
> A procedure may modify mutable argument objects (e.g. records),
> but of course it cannot modify immutable ones (e.g. integers).
> A procedure has no access to the variables of its caller.
> Procedure invocations may be used directly as statements; those
> that return objects may also be used as expressions. Arbitrary
> recursive procedures are permitted."
> replace "CLU" with "Python", "record" with "instance", and
> with "function or method", and you get a pretty accurate description
> of Python's object model.
> if you don't agree, please tell us what Python does differently. be
> specific.
> </F>
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