Getting happier ;-), but wondering if I'm thinking pythonically

Peter Hansen peter at
Tue May 20 17:16:02 EDT 2003

Graham Nicholls wrote:
> BTW is using external modules like optik a bad idea if you want
> programs to be portable (doesn't matter for this program, but might)

The more you are interested in portability and such, the more you should
focus on standard library modules.  I tend to stick to the tried-and-true,
if somewhat simplistic, getopt module from the standard library, knowing
it will always be available.  Once the world has migrated to 2.3, switching
to the standardized version of Optik that is included there would be an
appropriate step.

> Anyway, thanks for looking - I hope I'm OK in posting this here?

Sure, but as Max points out, not many people have time to review such
a large post.  Easier to answer with little sound-bites like this one. :-)


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