Improve this recursive code please!
Steven Taschuk
staschuk at
Fri May 9 17:00:33 EDT 2003
Quoth waxmop:
> Hi - I wrote a program that gets two arguments: numbricks, and numbins.
> The program calculates every possible way to distribute all the bricks
> into the bins, using a recursive function.
On further reflection I realized that no recursion is necessary in
the first place:
def arrangements(bricks, bins):
"""Iterate over arrangements of so many bricks in so many bins."""
if bricks < 0:
raise ValueError('bricks == %r < 0' % bricks)
if bins <= 0:
raise ValueError('bins == %r <= 0' % bins)
built = [0]*bins
built[0] = bricks
while True:
yield tuple(built)
# Change (..., m, ...bunch of 0s..., n) (where m > 0)
# into (..., m-1, n+1, ...bunch of 0s...)
for i in range(bins-2, -1, -1):
if built[i]: # built[i] == m
built[i] -= 1
# following three-step waltz needed lest i+1 == bins-1
n = built[-1]
built[-1] = 0
built[i+1] = n + 1
Admittedly this is more cryptic than a recursive solution. But it
does have all the other desired properties: it considers each bin
distinct but all bricks the same; it produces results in sorted
order; it holds only one result in memory at a time, avoiding a
combinatoric explosion of memory consumption; and, as an added
benefit, it doesn't recurse at all. (In a sense, the list of bins
itself serves as the stack.)
It also happens to be easily translated into C, which in this case
produces a considerable performance improvement. (Among (bricks,
bins) values in [1,8]^2, from 4x to 12x faster on my machine, with
indications that the disparity would be greater for greater
Steven Taschuk "The world will end if you get this wrong."
staschuk at -- "Typesetting Mathematics -- User's Guide",
Brian Kernighan and Lorrinda Cherry
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