Request for feedback on my first Python program

Max M maxm at
Fri May 30 05:03:55 EDT 2003

Scott Meyers wrote:
> I'm a C++ programmer who's writing his very first Python program.  This
> means the program is going to be gross, and I apologize for that in
> advance.  I don't really have anybody I can show it to for feedback, so I'm
> hoping I can get some comments here.  If there is a better place for me to
> seek guidance, please let me know.

This is probably the best place around.

I would only do a few things differently. The "getMeaningfulLines()" was 
way more complicated than it needed to be.


import sys
import os

# Error status codes

def usage(programName):
     print "Usage: " + os.path.basename(programName) + " [file]"

# Take a list of strings, return an equivalent list where the following
# strings have been removed:
# - those with no non-whitespace characters
# - those whose first non-whitespace character is a "#"
def getMeaningfulLines(lines):
     meaningfulLines = []
     for line in lines:
         line = line.strip()
         if line and line[0] != '#':
     return meaningfulLines

# This is how a "main" is normally done in Python.
if __name__ == '__main__':

     if len(sys.argv) != 2: usage(sys.argv[0])

     paths = getMeaningfulLines(open(sys.argv[1]).readlines())
     for path in paths:
         fType = "non-directory and non-file"
         if os.path.isdir(path):
             fType = "directory"
         elif os.path.isfile(path):
             fType =  "file"
         print "%s line is a %s" % (path, fType)


hilsen/regards Max M Rasmussen, Denmark
Fremtiden, videnskab, skeptiscisme og transhumanisme

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