c to python

Steven Taschuk staschuk at telusplanet.net
Mon May 26 16:17:41 EDT 2003

Quoth Jimmy verma:
> struct ab
> {
>         int a;
>         int b;
>         int *c;
>        struct d *d;
> } AB;
> How can this kind of structure be translated in python code?

To start with:

    >>> class Foo(object):
    ...     pass
    >>> foo = Foo() # create a Foo object
    >>> foo.a       # not assigned yet
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
    AttributeError: 'Foo' object has no attribute 'a'
    >>> foo.a = 3
    >>> foo.a

So far so good.  Now for attributes referring to objects, like
your struct d *d above:

    >>> bar = Foo() # another Foo object
    >>> foo.d = bar # make foo.d refer to the same object as bar
    >>> bar.a = 4   # change bar via name 'bar'
    >>> foo.d.a     # view change via name 'foo.d'

Just like you'd expect a pointer to work.  Trying this with ints,
though, will expose the fact that it's not really pointers the way
you think of them in C:

    >>> foo.a = bar.a    # try to make foo.a and bar.a refer to "same" int
    >>> bar.a = 18       # change bar.a
    >>> foo.a            # expect foo.a to be changed
    4                    # darn!

What's going on here is that variables in Python are not spots in
memory, as they are in C; instead they are simply names for
objects.  Assignment with = doesn't copy a value from one spot in
memory to another; it makes the name on the left refer to the
object calculated on the right.  For example 'x = y' means "make
the name 'x' refer to the same object as 'y' currently refers to".


    >>> x = 5    # make 'x' refer to the object 5
    >>> y = x    # make 'y' refer to the object 5
    >>> x = 6    # make 'x' refer to the object 6...
    >>> y        # ...which doesn't change which object 'y' refers to

To get something which works like int * in C, you need a holder
for an integer value.  In C this is simply a variable of type int;
in Python variables are not holders, so you have to make a holder
explicitly.  One simple way is to use a list (which is like a C
array, except it can hold items of any type and can be resized):

    >>> x = [5]     # a new list with one element, 5
    >>> y = x       # make 'y' refer to same list
    >>> x[0] = 6    # so changes to the list via 'x'...
    >>> y[0]        # ...are visible via 'y'

(I don't much like this approach, but it's hard to guess what
would serve your purposes better, since you haven't explained what
you need struct ab for.)

Putting it all together,

    >>> class AB(object):
    ...     def __init__(self, a, b, c, d):
    ...         self.a = a
    ...         self.b = b
    ...         self.c = c
    ...         self.d = d
    >>> x = AB(1, 2, [5], None)
    >>> x.d = AB(3, 4, x.c, None)
    >>> x.a, x.b, x.c, x.d
    (1, 2, [5], <__main__.AB object at 0x812ade4>)
    >>> x.d.a, x.d.b, x.d.c, x.d.d
    (3, 4, [5], None)
    >>> x.c[0] = 6
    >>> x.d.c

Your next stop should be the Python Tutorial:


Steven Taschuk                               staschuk at telusplanet.net
"[T]rue greatness is when your name is like ampere, watt, and fourier
 -- when it's spelled with a lower case letter."      -- R.W. Hamming

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