MySQL and Python on Linux - Proper Method?

Markus Wankus markus_wankus at
Fri May 16 16:28:59 EDT 2003

On Fri, 16 May 2003 21:06:07 +0200, Gerhard Häring <gh at> wrote:

> Markus Wankus wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am about to dive into my first Python/wxPython app on Linux using a 
>> MySQL database backend.  I was wondering what the proper way of doing 
>> this on Linux is.  I can currently see a couple of options:
>> 1) Using mxODBC (looks to be the most promising right now...)
>> 2) Using MySQLdb (is this dead?) and probably SQLDict to make my life 
>> easier...
> I'd go for option 2). Where did you get the idea from that MySQLdb is 
> dead? It's alive and well.
> -- Gerhard

Well that is good to know!  I saw the note on adustman's site that the 
MySQLdb module is an "OBSOLETE Python Interface to MySQL".  I guess I 
assumed it was dead because the last update on the Sourceforge page is 
close to 1 year old.  However - I think the 'obsolete' comment refers to 
the versions on adustman's site - not the project in general.

So it is named mysql-python now...

Thanks for the response,


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