Python Web Programming

Tim Roberts timr at
Mon May 5 23:57:05 EDT 2003

I bought a copy of Steve Holden's "Python Web Programming" last week.  Even
though I've done a fair amount of web programming in Python, there are
still lots of things I could be doing better, and I thought it might help.

I would like to express an enthusiastic "thumbs up" for this book.  It
started out very slow, with several chapters of very basic Python
background, and I was afraid I was beyond the target audience.

Then, in "Part II", he starts talking about the modules in the Python
library that are specifically aimed at network programming.  Here, he
solves what I think is one of the key shortcoming in Python documentation:
rather than just a shopping list of modules, he says "to solve THIS
problem, you probaably want to look at THIS module".  His description of
SocketServer, asyncore, and asynchat have added immensely to my knowledge,
not only of "what", but of "why".

I haven't even finished the book, and it has already been worth the money
for me.
- Tim Roberts, timr at
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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