Looking for a basic GUI tutorial
Russ Schmidt
SchmidtRW at y12.doe.dov
Tue May 6 15:58:11 EDT 2003
"Kevin Altis" <altis at semi-retired.com> wrote in
news:a1Rta.30$ge2.59831 at news.uswest.net:
> You might try looking at some of the links from a Google search to get
> a broad overview
> http://www.google.com/search?q=event+driven+programming
> If you add Python to the search you'll narrow the list down further,
> so these may be the kind of answer you're looking for:
> http://home.att.net/~stephen_ferg/projects/ferg-event_driven_programmin
> g.htm l
> http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/alan.gauld/tutevent.htm
> Stephen Ferg who wrote the "Introduction to Event-Driven Programming"
> above also wrote the EasyGUI package which lets you use a GUI for
> input and output but avoid the normal GUI event loop since all input
> and output is modal.
> http://home.att.net/~stephen_ferg/projects/
> I'll also take this time to plug my own project <wink> since you are
> looking for a simple way to get an interactive, event driven GUI
> running. The first two tutorials by Dan Shafer on the PythonCard
> documentation page walk you step-by-step through the creation process
> using PythonCard.
> http://pythoncard.sourceforge.net/documentation.html
Thanks to you and the others who answered. I skimmed the material from Alan
Gauld and Stephen Feng, and both look to be very helpful. The Feng material
in specific looks to be exactly what I need to start understanding what I
am doing with event-driven programming. From his first few pages, it
seems that he has been where I am now. Once I get that under my belt,
PythonCard may be a good way to do some of the quick & dirty chores I have
been wanting to tackle.
Thanks again for your help.
Russ Schmidt (idt at y12.doe.gov)
BWXT Y-12 L.L.C.
Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-2009
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