Improve this recursive code please!
Steven Taschuk
staschuk at
Tue May 6 14:26:58 EDT 2003
Quoth waxmop:
> The program works ok, especially when numbricks and numbins are under 5
> each. However, I need to run this program when numbricks = 100 or more,
> and I'm concerned about memory issues.
> Is there a way I can avoid building a giant stack? This program doesn't
> need to run fast at all. [...]
You're right to be concerned about memory consumption, but not in
the stack per se. Your search is equivalent to this:
def findarrangements(bricksleft, bins, results):
if bricksleft > 0:
# some bricks yet to be assigned
for i in range(len(bins)):
# try putting next brick in bin i
bins[i] += 1
findarrangements(bricksleft - 1, bins, results)
bins[i] -= 1
# all bricks have been put in bins
results[tuple(bins)] = 1
In this version it is clear that, at each recursive call, the
value of bricksleft decreases by one, and the recursion stops when
there are no bricks left. Thus the depth of the recursion is no
more than the total number of bricks, which is not so bad.
The real memory hog is the results dict, which maintains in memory
every result tuple. That's a lot of tuples for even modest
numbers of bricks and bins:
1 brick in 1 bin: 1 arrangement
2 bricks in 2 bins: 3 arrangements
3 bricks in 3 bins: 10 arrangements
4 bricks in 4 bins: 35 arrangements
5 bricks in 5 bins: 126 arrangements
6 bricks in 6 bins: 462 arrangements
7 bricks in 7 bins: 1716 arrangements
As you can see, the number of arrangements grows much more rapidly
than the number of bricks or bins, which makes it the larger
concern if you want to scale up to hundreds of bricks or bins.
So, to reduce the memory consumption of this program, I'd start by
not storing the whole set of results. A quick and dirty way to do
this is simply to print the tuple in mk_tree_r and forget about
it, rather than storing it to be printed later. For example:
def mk_tree(numbricks, numbins):
bin = [0]*numbins
mk_tree_r(numbricks, numbins, bin)
def mk_tree_r(numbricks, numbins, bin):
if countbricks(bin) < numbricks:
for i in range(numbins):
bin[i] += 1
mk_tree_r(numbricks, numbins, bin)
bin[i] -= 1
print tuple(bin)
Unfortunately this approach loses functionality: it prints
duplicate results, and it does not print them in sorted order. To
recover this functionality, I'd suggest a change of algorithm.
First let's look at the duplicates: the above version produces
them because it tries assigning each brick to each bin; for
example, when putting two bricks in two bins, it can produce (1,
1) in two ways:
1: Put brick 1 in bin 1, then put brick 2 in bin 2.
2: Put brick 1 in bin 2, then put brick 2 in bin 1.
But because we don't care about the difference between brick 1 and
brick 2, these produce the same arrangement.
So, instead of assigning bricks one by one, let's try assigning to
the bins one by one. Something like this:
def findarrangements(bricksleft, binsleft, bins):
if binsleft > 1:
# More than one bin left, and we need to distribute
# bricksleft bricks among them.
for n in range(bricksleft+1):
# Find arrangements in which next bin has n bricks.
findarrangements(binsleft - 1, bricksleft - n, bins)
# Only one bin left; put all remaining bricks there.
print tuple(binsbuilt)
This version's recursion depth is no more than the number of bins;
it prints no duplicates, as desired, and only keeps one result in
memory at a time. It also, happily, prints the results in a
sorted order; this order happens to be the reverse of what your
program prints. (I leave fixing this to you. You *don't* need to
put all the tuples in a list and .reverse() it.)
Also note that this version, like your program, considers (5,0,0)
to be distinct from (0,5,0) and (0,0,5), for example. I don't
know whether that's what you want, but it too could be changed
without much trouble.
One disadvantage of these functions as I've written them is that
they do the printing themselves; this is undesirable if you ever
want to do different things with the results, since then you have
to change the search code. There's ways to separate the
what-to-do-with-results part from the search-for-results part
without consuming excessive amounts of memory (chiefly generators
or callbacks); if you're interested, ask.
And for large enough values, you'll hit the maximum recursion
depth of the interpreter; this varies by version and
implementation. (In CPython 2.3 it's 1000 out of the box, I
think, so with what I propose above, you won't be able to find
arrangements for more than about a thousand bins.) There are ways
to deal with this too (such as managing your own search stack
instead of using the function call stack). Again, if you're
interested, ask.
Steven Taschuk staschuk at
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