Donald 'Paddy' McCarthy
paddy3118 at
Wed May 28 17:35:42 EDT 2003
A. Lloyd Flanagan wrote:
> paddy3118 at (Paddy McCarthy) wrote in message news:<2ae25c6b.0305271100.77be6881 at>...
>>alloydflanagan at (A. Lloyd Flanagan) wrote in message >
>>As for producing code that no one can read: Yes! Documentation and
>>introspection must be a part of a good Python macro system but I think
>>it is analogous to using a package. Unless you read-up about it, you
>>don't know what a package does. Python helps by having things like
>>help(). For any proposed macro solution Python would need appropriate
>>help and debugging extensions!
>>Maybe the default behavior when in interactive mode could be for each
>>macro instance to have its expansion printed when it is encountered.
>>This default could be then be optionally turned off.
> Hmmm... interesting. OK, I'll reserve judgement until I see something
> more concrete. I think you're definitely approaching it with the
> right ideas. Good luck!!
I went back to the Python Language Reference Manual, it may or may not
be used in the current interpreter but my thoughts are along the lines of:
* Introduce a keyword 'macro' that binds a macro definition to a name.
* A bit like a class or function definition, after the macro
definition is made, the interpreter is modified to expand any instances
of the macro found in the manner specified in the macro body.
* The macro object should have a disable method that when called will
stop the interpreter from expanding the macro.
* The scope of the macro definition should NOT be like that of other
names. It should be in force until disabled, or the same name is bound
to a different macro (whereapon that macro is enabled), or from when a
previousely disabled macro is re-enabled.
^ Their should be a way to (hierarchically), group macros together so
that they can be imported/exported/enabled/disabled as a group, or part
of the hierarchical group.
Defining a macro:
from __future__ import macros
macro IN_MACRO:
''' - Verilog like input definition
in a,b,c ==expands to==> a = In("a"); b = In("b"); c = In("c")
# New syntax extension rules (productions) use equals sign.
# whitespace on RHS of = below can be any or no white
# -space separators found in source,
input_stament = 'in' __name__ ( ',' __name__ )*
# extend the predefined statements with the new input statement
# Can also be interpreted as stating where to look for the new macro
__statement__ = __statement__ | input_statement
# Save some typing :-)
i = input_statement
# Compute the expansion (I have used := for this )
expand := i[0] ' = In("'i[0]'")' \
( __newline__ i[1][j] ' = In("'i[1][j]'")' )*[ for j in len(i[1])]
# macro definitions return their expansion
return expand
in x, y, zed
in s
Traceback ( File "<interactive input>", line 1
in s
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In the scheme above, all the standard language productions would be
available within a macro definition with the usual double underscore
pre- and suffix, allowing them to be redifiened such as the redefinition
of what constitutes a statement above.
The new productions capture the syntax of the macro, and the expansion
rules show how to expand the captured syntax to a replacement that is
re-scanned by the interpreter (for maybe other macros as well).
I added a doc string :-)
The expansion rule might be too much in the realms of pseudo-code in the
notation given for expanding arbitrarily repeated productions. The [for
j ...] bit being after the (... i[1][j]...
As well as __newline__, __indent__, and __dedent__ could be used to
produce arbitrary indenting in expansions, based, of course, on the
indentation of the original macro
I guess a macro could be setup to be recognised in an expression and
expand to complete an expression and also have statements.
I guess macros could be grouped by allowing macros to either define a
single macro or contain macro definitions (a statement that is just the
name of a pre-defined macro could also add the macro to the group)
macro a:
macro b:
macro c:
# both a and b are now inactive
# equivalent to b.enable() in this case
I have read Bengt's post. (thanks).
His ideas were different from mine - but it did prompt me to write
something more.
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