[2,3,4,7] --> "2-4,7" ?
Mike C. Fletcher
mcfletch at rogers.com
Thu May 29 15:56:23 EDT 2003
This might be a little easier to read (though actually less concise),
though I haven't tried to follow your code to figure out if it's exactly
equivalent. I also haven't bothered with re-formatting the groups into
range statements, I leave them as data-records from which you can easily
create the range statements:
import re
names = ['6','7','5','mx8','mx09','mx10','8','9','10','foo','5','this']
def collapse( names ):
"""Collapse ranges of names"""
result = []
current = []
currentPrefix = ''
for item in names:
a,b = split( item )
if a == currentPrefix and current and b == current[-1]+1:
current.append( b )
if current:
# need to put previous result in result-set
result.append( (currentPrefix,current))
# now process the new item...
if b is None:
# no number, so just add record to list
result.append( (a,[]))
current = []
current = [b]
currentPrefix = a
if current:
result.append( (currentPrefix,current))
return result
matcher = re.compile( '^(?P<prefix>\D*)(?P<number>\d*)$' )
def split( s ):
"""Get prefix and integer value (or None) for a string"""
a,b = matcher.match( s ).groups()
if b:
b = int( b, 10 )
return a, b or None
print collapse( names )
George Young wrote:
>[python 2.3a1]
>I have a list of "names" like:
> ['6','7','mx8','mx09','mx10','8','9','10','foo']
>which needs for concise and clear display to become a string like:
> "6-7,mx8-10,8-10,foo"
>I.e., a name is an integer or an alphabetic prefix possibly followed
>by an integer. The display must compress each set of succesive names
>having the same (possibly null) prefix and sequential integers. The
>original order of names must be preserved.
>I (hesitantly) post the following code that works, but makes me cringe
>anytime I see it, for it's clumsy unreadableness. Can someone with
>a fresh mind see a clear and concise way to make my clear and concise
>name display?
Mike C. Fletcher
Designer, VR Plumber, Coder
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