Protecting Source Code

andrew cooke andrew at
Fri May 9 21:54:06 EDT 2003

Andy Robinson said:
> There's way more money in focusing on human factors
> to get from, say, 60% to 80% paid use of your software,
> than in really advanced technical ones to reduce the
> number of people in the world likelye to crack it from, say, 100 down
> to 1.  Spend those man hours on friendly mechanisms to
> link to your payment site, followups to ask people how
> evaluations are going, or friendly visits to corporate
> customers which include an audit.

someone (looks round, hands in pockets, whistles a couple of notes) at one
company i worked for, filled in a product questionaire to get a free
mug...  only to find all hell break loose when said questionaire triggered
letters from lawyers wondering why a company with n programmers had only m

and it was a rotten mug anyway.



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