New-style string formatting
Gerrit Holl
gerrit at
Tue May 20 15:33:24 EDT 2003
Skip Montanaro schreef op dinsdag 20 mei om 18:22:45 +0000:
> Gerrit> What Alexander proposes and I support is not to do string
> Gerrit> interpolation, but to simply change the syntax because the '%'
> Gerrit> is redundant; it's a much smaller change:
> Gerrit> "bla %s blo %d" % ("blu", 42) # becomes
> Gerrit> "bla %s blo %d" ("blu", 42)
> Just because it's not a big change doesn't mean it's worthwhile.
> Here are a couple counterarguments:
> * Who died and made string interpolation king? In other words, why
> should "..."(args) be interpreted as string interpolation and not
> "...".replace(args)?
I don't think this is a really valid argument, because exactly the same is
true for string interpolation using the % character.
> * What's intuitive about calling a string?
Exactly as much as there is intuitive on modulo'ing a string.
> There's nothing mnemonic in
> the construct to suggest what you want to do.
True. Mnemonic would be to create a ".format" method.
> The % operator at least
> has the syntactic connection to C's printf() function.
The syntactic connection goes as far as the % as a formatting character.
I don't know C very well, but AFAIK, % is not an operator for strings
(character sequences) in C. CMIIW, but printf's first argument corresponds
to Python's % left hand operand, and printf's second argument corresponds
to Python's % right hand operand.
So, where _does_ the % as string operator come from?
> * This idea doesn't extend to dictionary interpolation
It does: see my other message: "..."(**d) and "..."(*s).
> * There's already a perfectly good way to do it: "..." % (args).
True. This works very well.
> Adding
> another way that only saves a single character and goes against the
> Pythonic grain of having generally one way to do things.
True. I am not sure about it yet, because different Zen of Python advices
contradict each other here.
+ "Beatiful is better than ugly": I find the % not very beatiful.
- "Explicit is better than implicit": It's more explicit with the % sign.
+ "Simple is better than complex": % does complicate a little bit.
- "Sparse is better than dense": it removes a character ;).
-"There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it."
...but what is obvious? It's only what we're used too - does that mean
it's the best?
+ "If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea."
> (You clearly
> couldn't deprecate the current syntax at this point. It's too widely
> used. It's not considered a mistake as Guido eventually concluded
> about integer division, for example.)
It surely would be a Py3K issue to deprecate it. That is the biggest problem
of this proposal: it's like internet beats. It may be a great idea, but I
should have been there 13 years ago - they'd see me come, a 4-year-old at
the CWI :-)
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