Carl Banks
imbosol at aerojockey.com
Tue May 13 01:14:35 EDT 2003
Alex wrote:
> Haris Bogdanovic wrote:
>> How is polymorphism implemented in Python ?
>> Is there a substitution for C++ virtual functions ?
>> Can you give me a short example of how this works ?
>> Thanks
>> Haris
> The short answer is every class method is virtual.
> The longer answer is that python is not statically typed. This makes it
> *much* more flexible than C++. If desired, polymorphism can be achieved
> withough any inheritance at all. After a couple days, C++ will feel like a
> straight jacket.
Dude, you rule. Mind if I use this simile?
> A simple example:
> class Base:
> def fnc(self):
> print 'base'
> def another_fnc(self):
> self.fnc()
> class Derived(Base): # derives from Base
> def fnc(self):
> print 'derived'
> b=Base()
> d=Derived()
> b.another_fnc()
> d.another_fnc()
> #outputs:
> # base
> # derived
The replies so far have ignored one significant aspect of Python
polymorphism: unlike C++, it isn't tied to inheritance. So, there is
no need to form class hierarchies just for the sake
If you want class A and class B to have the same interface, just write:
class A:
def f(self):
print "class A"
class B:
def f(self):
print "class B"
def printclassname(obj):
a = A()
b = B()
Even though a and b are instances of different classes that do not
share a common base (other than object), they can both be passed into
the printclassname function, and used identically.
As a practical matter, in Python, I recommend against building large
class hierarchies like you might do in C++. With one Exception, use
inheritance in Python only when you really need to share some
functionality with a parent class, and not just mimic an interface.
(Pun intended.)
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