Preferred exception style?
George Young
gry at
Fri May 30 15:32:08 EDT 2003
On Fri, 30 May 2003 12:51:49 -0600, Steven Taschuk wrote:
> Quoth Dave Benjamin:
>> I was just wondering which style you prefer for raising exceptions. I never
>> really thought about it much, but I was looking at some code today that said:
>> raise SomeException, 'some relevant message'
>> and I tend to do it like this:
>> raise SomeException('some relevant message')
>> The two forms seem to have identical results. Any reason to prefer one over
>> the other? Which do you use?
> They are, as you suspect, synonymous.
> The standard library mostly uses the syntax with a comma. I much
> prefer the syntax with parentheses, so much so that I've (just a
> moment ago, in fact) submitted a PEP to eliminate the former.
> I don't like the former because, in short, it's a holdover from
> the days of string exceptions and is ill-suited to instance
> exceptions. (The PEP has a more complete account of my reasons;
> rather than amplify here, I'll just wait for it to be numbered and
> post it in its entirety.)
Furthermore, the parenthesis form allows for more than just
a string value. E.g.:
class GetRunFailed(Exception):
def __init__(self, reqobj, dberrormsg=None,
domainerr='Run does not exist'):
def __str__(self):return '%s: dberror: %s, explanation: %s'%\
raise GetRunFailed(self.request, dberrormsg=dbcursor.geterror(),
domainerror='Run %s not found in folder %s' %\
-- George
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