Mark Hammond
mhammond at
Sun May 4 19:52:20 EDT 2003
Eugene C. wrote:
> As you guys already know, the return value of
> win32service.EnumServicesStatus is a three-element tuple, of which the third
> element is itself a seven-element tuple. My question is, what are the
> meanings of the integer values of these seven elements? I've been trying to
> find out via the Net but have been unable to. And I don't have the O'Reilly
> book from Mark Hammond ("Python Programming on Win32"). Any help will
> greatly be appreciated. Thanks!
See the help files - some of the win32service functions are documented
as taking a SERVICE_STATUS object, which is documented as:
A Win32 service status object is represented by a tuple:
[0] int : serviceType
The type of service.
[1] int : serviceState
The current state of the service.
[2] int : controlsAccepted
The controls the service accepts.
[3] int : win32ExitCode
The win32 error code for the service.
[4] int : serviceSpecificErrorCode
The service specific error code.
[5] int : checkPoint
The checkpoint reported by the service.
[6] int : waitHint
The wait hint reported by the service.
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