Python Coredump on FreeBSD
Harald Schneider
h_schneider at
Mon May 12 10:20:08 EDT 2003
I was able to locate the bug:
When I call
in sequence a few times, then the regular expression module re causes this
coredump. It's implementation must differ from other platforms. It looks
like it trashes memory and finally crashes. Maybe re is not threadsave on
Bug isolated, but no solution yet ... I'll try to test in a non-threading
environment to see, if there is a dependency ...
Thanks a lot,
"Michael Hudson" <mwh at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:7h3addss30u.fsf at
> "Harald Schneider" <h_schneider at> writes:
> > Thanks. Platform ist FreeBSD 4.6.2
> >
> > Reading the coredump with gdb revealed that python died with signal 11.
> > idea?
> That's SIGSEGV. Try running 'bt' for backtrace, although unless
> you're familiar with debugging C applications the output may not
> especially comprehensible.
> > The only weak point in my application is the usage of threads which
> > the communication via xmlrpclib.
> > It runs perfectly on Linux and Win32 but on this platform it crashes
with a
> > coredump ...
> >
> > Are there any special things about threads or xmlrpclib on FreeBSD, that
> > differ from other platforms ?
> I think I've heard bad things about threads on FreeBSD in the past,
> but don't really remember... finding someone who knows about the
> platform would be a good thing (not me!).
> Cheers,
> M.
> --
> Not only does the English Language borrow words from other
> languages, it sometimes chases them down dark alleys, hits
> them over the head, and goes through their pockets. -- Eddy Peters
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