simple win32file function calls cause python to crash

Kossay Omary kossay_omary at
Sat May 3 08:11:06 EDT 2003

This seems to be too simple to cause any problem. I am almost sure that the problem is in my configuration. I just cant debug it. I ran the following script and I got a message from my Windows XP that the application pthonw.exe has caused a problem and that it was killed. (I got the same behavior even when I was trying to read from a regular file and not COM3) Here is the code. It is very simple:Is there any issue with win32file under Windows XP??? import win32filedef closecom1(comhandle):
    comhandle.Close() def opencom1(filename='COM3:'):
    # returns a handle to the Windows file
    return win32file.CreateFile(filename, win32file.GENERIC_READ, \
                                0, None, win32file.OPEN_EXISTING, 0, None) def readcom1line(comhandle):
    err = 0
    char = None
    line = ''
    while err == 0 and char != '\r':
        err, char = win32file.ReadFile(comhandle, 1, None)
        if err == 0:
            if char == '\n':
                pass # eat newlines
                line = line + char
    return line if __name__ == '__main__':
    # demo
    comhandle = opencom1()
    print readcom1line(comhandle)

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