indirect function calls and variable variables

Cameron Laird claird at
Tue May 27 07:59:59 EDT 2003

In article <slrnbd3e45.emb.ramen at>,
Dave Benjamin  <ramen at> wrote:
>In article <vcmt074rchvb4d at>, Cameron Laird wrote:
>> PHPers do indeed use variable variables often--too much,
>> in fact.  It's a general principle that languages which
>The reason the "variable variable" phenomenon (actually "call-by-name") pops
>up so much in PHP is due to its lack of support for functions as values.
>However, since PHP has a single, global namespace for functions, this ends
>up being an effective way to write a dispatch, and safer than an eval().
>> Erik illustrated the pattern with his function invocation
>> above.  He didn't write there that such usage generally
>> invites consideration for refactoring into an object-
>> oriented polymorphism scheme.
>I find that dispatching with an eval or dictionary lookup is often simpler
>and more concise than using subtype inheritance with polymorphism. YMMV.

Yes and no.

I think people overdo polymorphism.  Dispatching with
a dictionary lookup is indeed often simpler and more
concise than inheritance elaboration.  You are quite
right.  I suspect we agree that the two are close, 
though; when a design involves one, it's probably timely
to evaluate the other, as an alternative.

I don't follow your first paragraph.  At least one of us
doesn't understand the other.  I am writing about
"variable variables", as in the variables named
one often sees in Perl and PHP code.  My observation is
that, for several reasons, it's generally better to 
transform such segments into references to
<URL: >
illustrates this.

You seem to have in mind idioms for function invocation,
rather than variable dereferencing.  Or are you making a
subtle point about one masquerading as the other?

Programmers do indeed cherish first-class functions, of

Cameron Laird <Cameron at>

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