Improve this recursive code please!

waxmop waxmop at
Tue May 6 16:48:11 EDT 2003

Steven Taschuk wrote:


> So, instead of assigning bricks one by one, let's try assigning to
> the bins one by one.  Something like this:
>     def findarrangements(bricksleft, binsleft, bins):
>         if binsleft > 1:
>             # More than one bin left, and we need to distribute
>             # bricksleft bricks among them.
>             for n in range(bricksleft+1):
>                 # Find arrangements in which next bin has n bricks.
>                 bins.append(n)
>                 findarrangements(binsleft - 1, bricksleft - n, bins)
>                 bins.pop()
>         else:
>             # Only one bin left; put all remaining bricks there.
>             bins.append(bricksleft)
>             print tuple(binsbuilt)

I think that "binsbuilt" should just be bins, right?  Here's the code that I

def findarrangements(bricksleft, binsleft, bins):
    if binsleft > 1:
        for n in range(bricksleft+1):
            findarrangements(binsleft-1, bricksleft-n, bins)
        print tuple(bins)

----- and here's the results I got:

>>> from revtupp import findarrangements
>>> bin=[]
>>> findarrangements(2,2,bin)
(0, 0, 1)
(0, 0, 1, 1)
(0, 0, 1, 1, 1)
(0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1)

I'm still working on it; maybe I typed something in wrong.

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