Socket to me

Andrew Bennetts andrew-pythonlist at
Sat May 31 10:08:55 EDT 2003

On Sat, May 31, 2003 at 03:18:38PM +0200, Irmen de Jong wrote:
> Mark Carter wrote:
> >Has anyone implemented a telnet daemon in python?
> Twisted probably has ;-)

Oh, yes, I forgot to answer this part :)

Twisted does indeed have a telnet server!

A quick and dirty example:

    bash-2.05b$ mktap telnet --port 1234 --username=bilbo --password=baggins
    bash-2.05b$ twistd -f telnet.tap 
    bash-2.05b$ telnet localhost 1234
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Twisted 1.0.5
    username: bilbo
    password: *****
    >>> print "Welcome to Python over telnet :)"
    Welcome to Python over telnet :)
    >>> from twisted.internet import reactor
    >>> reactor.stop()
    >>> Connection closed by foreign host.

As you can see, the telnet server is written to just give you a python
prompt into your program (handy for debugging).

More impressively, there's Conch, our SSH implementation:

    bash-2.05b$ sudo mktap conch -d /etc/ssh --port 5822
    bash-2.05b$ sudo twistd -f conch.tap
    bash-2.05b$ ssh -p 5822 localhost
    andrew at localhost's password: 
    andrew at frobozz:~$ # Tada!
    andrew at frobozz:~$ exit
    Connection to localhost closed.

There's a reasonably up-to-date list of protocols we have already written
for you at:


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