Abstracting algorithms (graph depth first search)
andrew cooke
andrew at acooke.org
Thu May 8 17:55:50 EDT 2003
for a "completely different" way of looking at graphs, check out martin
erwig's functional graph library. it's very elegant (worth learning
haskell for): http://cs.oregonstate.edu/~erwig/fgl/haskell/ - even if you
don't want to use the library, read the paper to find a new way of
thinking about graphs.
[personally, i've been playing with cursors recently. a cursor is a
pointer to a node. in a way it's like an Java/C++ iterator, but it lacks
any state (only has local knowledge of neighbours) and calling next gives
you the cursor for the next node (a new object; calling next on an
iterator changes the state of the same iterator).
it's possible to describe depth/breadth first pre/post order traversals of
trees using just the local neighbour information (although less efficient
than using a stack the amortized cost is the same, with a (possibly
significant!) constant factor). obvious a cursor to a tree has several
methods (get parent, get left child, get right child rather than a simple
however, for general graphs i don't think that's still the case, but it
might be interesting to see how far the idea can be taken.]
answering your question more directly, wouldn't a Python iterator be the
right way to do it: http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/typeiter.html
(it's like a callback turned inside out :o)
i don't know about general graphs, but all four of the popular traversal
methods for trees can be generated from a single algorithm - breadth/depth
depends on whether you use a fifo or lifo queue and pre/post order depends
on whether you call the processing before or after recursing.
unfortunately the breadth/depth unification is generally illustrated with
imperative code (ie explicit loops, giving access to the queue) and
pre/post unification with functional code (ie recursion, allowing
processing before or after the recursive call). for trees i unified the
two in a horrible mess of an algorithm (python code) that's at
http://acooke.org/andrew/diary/2003/apr/23.html - is there somethng
similar for general graphs?
Paul Moore said:
> I've had an interest in graph algorithms for a long time, mainly
> because graphs are highly useful data structures with interesting
> behaviour, simple enough to code directly in Python, but complex
> enough to *not* be built in, or part of the standard library.
> I've been trying to work out a good way of encapsulating the standard
> depth first search algorithm in a library module (and other graph
> traversal algorithms). Using Guido's representation of graphs (which
> is basically the standard adjacency list representation), it's easy to
> code DFS:
> # Build a random graph, as a dictionary mapping vertex -> list of
> successors
> # (as in Guido's article)
> g = {}
> vertices = range(10)
> for v in vertices:
> g[v] = []
> # Add a random set of edges, encoding edge v->u as 10*v+u
> from random import shuffle
> edges = range(100)
> shuffle(edges)
> for n in edges[:20]: # 20 edges should be enough...
> v1, v2 = divmod(n, 10)
> g[v1].append(v2)
> # Depth first search, using the standard recursive algorithm
> def dfs(g):
> seen = {}
> def visit(g, v):
> # Print v here to get preorder
> print v
> seen[v] = 1
> for u in g[v]:
> if u not in seen:
> visit(g, u)
> # Print v here to get postorder
> # print v
> for v in g:
> if v not in seen:
> visit(g, v)
> # Print the graph and the DFS results
> for v in g:
> print v, "->", ", ".join([str(u) for u in g[v]])
> print
> dfs(g)
> However, this function *only* prints the vertices in preorder. To
> print in postorder, you need to modify the algorithm to move the print
> statement as indicated. To put the results in a list, you need to pass
> the list as a parameter and change the print to append. To return the
> results as an iterator, you need to add "yield" statements, and
> replace calls to visit with
> for v in visit(...):
> yield v
> And many graph algorithms make even more subtle changes to the basic
> DFS algorithm.
> But the DFS pattern is constant in all this (and just a little bit
> subtle, so I'd prefer not to recode it each time). It would be nice to
> be able to encapsulate it somehow.
> The "obvious" way is to pass in a callback function - but you'd need
> 2, one for preorder and one for postorder. And maybe others if extra
> hooks are needed, as they are for other algorithms. And the whole
> thing gets slowed down by extra tests (if callback is not None...).
> Or I could write a DFS class, with dummy methods for the hooks (the
> default implementation is "pass"). Users then subclass to add their
> own behaviour. But that seems overcomplicated, and probably also adds
> overhead due to the class mechanism.
> Can anyone suggest a good way of encapsulating DFS that's better than
> either of these ideas? Or even good ways of implementing either of the
> above 2 methods which work well in practice?
> Thanks for any pointers,
> Paul.
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