Newbie can't figure out documentation practices
Bengt Richter
bokr at
Fri May 9 18:53:34 EDT 2003
On Fri, 09 May 2003 11:05:22 -0600, Fernando Perez <fperez528 at> wrote:
>sismex01 at wrote:
>>> The only other area where you're likely to cry a bit is proper string
>>> interpolation, which sucks in python.
>> Awww, c'mon, don't scare away the newbies! Besides, it's
>> really a matter of perception; for me, Python's string
>> interpolation is excellent, specially after working
>> with shell and perl strings. Python's intrpolation feels
>> more first-world-like, more "formal", instead of perl's
>> and sh's.
>Ok, time for my yearly rant on interpolation ;) Can anyone tell me how to
>do cleanly something like (using perl-like syntax to indicate my intent,
>this isn't real code):
>print """
>var x = $x
>var y = $y
>var self.z = $self.z
>fun x+y+self.z = $x+$y+$self.z
>var z from other object = $other.z
>z from self plus other = $self.z + $other.z
>""" % ????
>I can't use locals() b/c it won't see the members of self and other. I can't
>update locals() with self/other.__dict__ because they'll clobber each
>In general the only solution I've been able to find is to make a bunch of
>local temporaries to hold all of my object's data plus assorted other stuff
>in locals() as non-dotted names. That strikes me as ugly and unpythonic,
>but I've failed to find a better alternative. I'd love to be enlightened.
>I vaguely recall some nice class-based trick I saw a while back, but I'd
>like a more 'standard' mechanism. Ka-Ping Yee's Itpl class seems wonderful
>to me, but all attempts to push that have failed so far.
>I've been told to write the above with tons of print statements (one per
>line) and even more quotemarks:
>print 'x=',x,'self.z=',self.z,...
>But I _hate_ that kind of output for anything longer than two or three
>lines. It's nearly impossible to read smoothly something which is say 50
>lines of the above with many variables.
Here's something to get values from various dicts and optional attributes of objects:
You can use it more simply, but this illustrates a few issues:
====< >================================================
class ValSources:
def __init__(self, *valsources):
self.valsources = valsources
def __call__(self, *dicts):
self.valsources += dicts
return self
def __getitem__(self, keystr):
attrs = keystr.split('.')
name, attrs = attrs[0], attrs[1:]
for ns in self.valsources:
if name in ns:
obj = ns[name]
return '<%s is undefined>'%`keystr`
for attr in attrs:
obj = getattr(obj, attr)
except AttributeError:
return '<%s is undefined>'%`keystr`
return obj
# global test data
x = 111
class Other: pass
other = Other(); other.z = 444
other.deeper = Other()
other.deeper.z = 555
def test():
nested = 'accessible from show, but note namespace'
class C:
z = 333 # class instance data via method local 'self' as self.z
def show(self, valsources):
y = 222 # (method) local data
print """
var x = %(x)s
var y = %(y)s
var self.z = %(self.z)s
fun x+y+self.z = %(x)s+%(y)s+%(self.z)s
var z from other object = %(other.z)s
z from self plus other = %(self.z)s + %(other.z)s
nested = %(nested)s <-- added example
other.deeper.z = %(other.deeper.z)s <-- another example
""" % valsources(locals()) # to try method locals first
c = C(), globals())) # note: locals here are of test
if __name__ == '__main__':
when run:
[15:51] C:\pywk\stringInterp>
var x = 111
var y = 222
var self.z = 333
fun x+y+self.z = 111+222+333
var z from other object = 444
z from self plus other = 333 + 444
nested = accessible from show, but note namespace <-- added example
other.deeper.z = 555 <-- another example
Simpler example:
>>> from valsources import ValSources
>>> x = 111
>>> def test():
... y = 222
... print """
... x = %(x)s
... y = %(y)s
... """ % ValSources(vars(),globals())
>>> test()
x = 111
y = 222
Or just
>>> print 'x=%(x)s'%ValSources(globals())
Which doesn't make much sense, since
>>> print 'x=%(x)s'%globals()
But for stuff with attributes
>>> class X: pass
>>> x=X()
>>> x.y = 123
>>> x.z = 'something'
>>> print 'x.y=%(x.y)s, x.z=%(x.z)s' % globals()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
KeyError: x.y
So this helps
>>> print 'x.y=%(x.y)s, x.z=%(x.z)s' % ValSources(globals())
x.y=123, x.z=something
Bengt Richter
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