PEP263 (Specifying encoding) and bytecode strings
Tony Meyer
ta-meyer at
Mon May 5 03:47:48 EDT 2003
> > Is there some way to specify that all strings are
> > bytecodes, and not encoded characters?
> Couldn't resourcepackage just insert a suitable encoding
> "declaration", which is after all a comment and thus
> innocuous for any previous release of Python -- or else emit
> non-ascii chars as escape sequences?
I probably phrased my question poorly: what, then, is the correct
encoding for the output of zlib.compress()? I know IANA has a list [1]
of encodings, but it's not really clear which is the right one.
[zlib.compress() returns a string of '\xXX's, where XX is from 00 to
I'm happy to admit that I know almost nothing about encodings.
Particularly, I don't see why '\xda' [2] is not considered ascii. It
should be an upper case U with an acute, according to rfc1345 [3] -
isn't that what ascii is?
=Tony Meyer
[2] '\xda' is an example of a character that the warning is given for.
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