Tkinter and program launching questions
arnaud at
Fri May 9 18:12:41 EDT 2003
In vbnu4snofuqh5c at, "Cameron Laird" <claird at>
wrote :
> In article <BAE1C004.12A7%arnaud at>, Arnal <arnaud at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I recently changed all .grid(...) to .pack(...) with modifiying parameters.
>> I read in a tutorial, which uses .grid() and does nothing more than saying
>> that the .pack() exists, the use of grid_remove() to make the item
>> invisible. Now, as the tutorial doesn't say anything about .pack(), I would
>> know what .grid_remove() is with .pack().
> .
> .
> .
> Are you asking for pack_forget()?
Yes, thanks. As grid_forget(), there is the pack_forget() (as you said), so
I believe the grid_remove() can be linked to pack_remove(). I have tested
the pack_forget(), now I'll try the pack_remove().
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