Definition of 'apply' of MDI GUI

Gerrit Holl gerrit at
Wed May 28 08:47:44 EDT 2003

anson schreef op woensdag 28 mei om 14:27:58 +0000:
> Dear people,
>    I don't understand EXACTLY how apply works in MDI GUIS? What's the purpose of it?
>         apply(QWidget.__init__,(self, parent) + args)

The purpose of apply was, before Python 2.3, to be able to call
functions or methods with lists 'applied' as arguments. For

  1 >>> def foo(*args): return args
  1 ...
  2 >>> l = ['a', 1, {"yeah!": True}]
  3 >>> foo(l)
(['a', 1, {'yeah!': True}],)

But that is not what we want.
We want something that equals:
foo(['a', 1, {"yeah!": True}])

  4 >>> apply(foo, l)
('a', 1, {'yeah!': True})

That's more like it.

As of Python 2.3, you can do:

  5 >>> foo(*l)
('a', 1, {'yeah!': True})

apply is redundant now.

The statement above equals:
Qwidget.__init__(self, parent, *args) that all elements of args are passed seperately, and not as one tuple.

See also:

Hope this helps!


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