digital cameras

Ian McMeans imcmeans at
Sat May 3 00:40:06 EDT 2003

Okay, thanks. I'll give TWAIN a try.

I want to make the camera take pictures, not just download them

"Milind Patil" <milind_patil at> wrote in message news:<mailman.1051923726.21874.python-list at>...
> Hi,
> All digital cameras support TWAIN image acquisition standard. Therefore, the best way to make a
> portable
> program in python is to extend python using the twain library.
> "Ian McMeans" <imcmeans at> wrote in message
> news:7f9e1817.0305021105.459267a at
> > I was wondering if there was a good way to work with digital cameras,
> > something that isn't specific to a model of camera?
> >
> > I'm running windows XP, and I'm guessing most methods won't be
> > cross-platform.
> >
> > I want to write a program that downloads an image from the camera
> > (kind of like a webcam) but then does further processing on it.
> > --
> >
> >

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