Python and Databases

Ian Bicking ianb at
Mon May 19 17:34:25 EDT 2003

On Mon, 2003-05-19 at 15:54, Gerhard Häring wrote:
> Ok, here's what I think Python needs. A standard library *on top of* 
> DB-API modules that is higher-level and provides nice ways for 
> integration with GUI and web frameworks. Something like ADO.NET.

Do you mean an object-relational mapper, like one of:

If you mean, Python needs *one* ORM (ala ADO), then I don't think that
can happen.  For instance, Modeling (
is very complete, and very complex, while SQLObject
( is less all-encompassing, but easier to use.

But from what little experience I've had with ADO, it didn't seem like
an ORM.  More on the level of DB API, but with more functionality.  So
maybe it would provide the basis of even higher-level wrappers, while
tools could interact on a universal lower level.  I can't really
envision how that works, but maybe...


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