unary star
Erik Max Francis
max at alcyone.com
Tue May 6 15:55:27 EDT 2003
David Eppstein wrote:
> If f(a, b, *(c, d)) is always equivalent to f(a, b, c, d), then why
> isn't (a, b, *(c, d)) always equivalent to (a, b, c, d)?
Because the * and ** syntaxes are specific to function calls; they're
shortcuts for apply. They are meant as inverses of the function
definition forms:
def f(x, y, *args, **keywords):
... # args is a tuple, keywords a dictionary
g(*args, **keywords) # same as apply(g, args, keywords)
In my opinion, the syntax should not generalize at all.
Erik Max Francis / max at alcyone.com / http://www.alcyone.com/max/
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