Date type

Robin Munn rmunn at
Wed May 21 16:56:18 EDT 2003

Batista, Facundo <FBatista at> wrote:
> #-     Batista,> I need a "date type" and I canĀ“t find it 
> #- anywhere.  With
> #-     Batista,> date type I mean something like:
> #- 
> #- The standard library has the time module
> #- 
> #-
> Yes, but doesn't includes the functionality I'm searching. To make all the
> math I must keep converting from/to seconds, etc.
> #- egenix provides a nice datetime library for python with lots of extra
> #- functionality over the time module.
> #- 
> #-
> Really a lot. But in my position here where I work, I can't install any
> software.
> I'm searching (hope this could be possible) a .py just to import and use it.

If you can use a single .py file, is there any reason why you wouldn't
be able to use a package (which is really just a directory containing an file and optionally some other files)? Some of the eGenix mx
extensions require compilation, I believe, but others don't. You might
be able to download the eGeneix mx.BASE package as a ZIP file
uncompress it to a location on your PYTHONPATH, and do "from mx import

Robin Munn <rmunn at>
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