It never fails (bsddb retirement in 2.3)

Paul Rubin http
Mon May 5 18:27:30 EDT 2003

Skip Montanaro <skip at> writes:
>     Andrew> The *BSDs use the libc version of the DB library heavily for
>     Andrew> (amongst other things):
>     Andrew>  - password database
>     Andrew>  - terminal capability database
>     Andrew>  - login profile database
> Understood, but just like the rest of us need to upgrade stuff like this
> every now and then, so should the *BSDs.  They can do the db_dump185 dance
> in their upgrade systems just like the rest of us.  I guess for one reason
> or another, none of the above uses tickles any of the bugs in the library.

If the bugs only happen when the databases are very large (millions of
pairs, say) then none of these db's will come anywhere near that.  The
same with the Netscape certificate database, typical Apache authentication
userlists (mod_auth_db), and so forth.

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