dtml-var in python

patrix pheer at chello.nl
Thu May 8 04:19:27 EDT 2003

John Hunter <jdhunter at ace.bsd.uchicago.edu> wrote in message news:<mailman.1052339414.27885.python-list at python.org>...
> >>>>> "patrix" == patrix  <pheer at chello.nl> writes:
>     patrix> How can i use or import a zope var <dtml-var Bjaar> in
>     patrix> python i hope some one can help me
> More info please:
> Are you working in a Zope Python Script, an Zope External Method, or a
> standalone python script.  If using a standalone script, you'll need
> to use the ZOBD to access the zope data base.
> From within a zope Python Script, you should be able to access
> variables as attributes of context, eg
> context.Bjaar

i made a little example 
this is the dtml code:

<dtml-if zoo>
<dtml-var zoo>
<dtml-var test>


 <form action="<dtml-var URL>" method="GET">
  <input name="zoo">
  <input type="submit" value="wat is zoo">


and this is the python code:

s = context.zoo
return s

but i wont work please tell me what i do wrong 



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