What do you think of this Python logo?
Brandon J. Van Every
try_vanevery_at_mycompanyname at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 12 20:58:21 EST 2003
Ok, enough comments have passed by, that I'll break silence and offer some
insights into the thought process behind this logo. I first wanted to get
initial reactions without moving anyone's opinions in any particular
Kevin Ollivier wrote:
> Have you considered trying a design with a slithering snake? (Like on
> O'Reilly's Python Library Reference.)
Yes, we have. There are 3 kinds of snakes we have considered:
1) realistic snakes
2) abstract graphical snakes
3) cute, cuddly snakes
For general marketing purposes, we rejected (1) because a lot of
Judeo-Christians fear and loathe snakes. We don't want them mixing up
Python with their antipathy to snakes. Please note that fear of snakes is
not a universal; Hindus, for instance, like snakes quite a bit. We should
be able to sell many Python products and services in India. :-)
We rejected (3) because one of our goals is to make a logo that Suits
respond favorably to. Suits do not respect cutesy wootsy stuff, they will
reject such technologies as "not serious." Here, it is important to realize
that Suits and Techies have profoundly dissimilar tastes. Techies love Nerf
rockets and Muppet marketing; Suits loathe it.
This leaves us with (2), snakes as abstract design elements. If we use them
at all.
I do believe that marketing campaigns should be directed at Techies, Suits,
and Educators, that all of these bases need to be covered to grow Python's
user base as much as possible. But, they should be separately focused
campaigns, and the Python logo should appeal to all of these parties.
Cheers, www.indiegamedesign.com
Brandon Van Every Seattle, WA
Brandon's Law (after Godwin's Law):
"As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of
a person being called a troll approaches one RAPIDLY."
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