loop does not count...
John Roth
newsgroups at jhrothjr.com
Wed Nov 12 19:22:07 EST 2003
"Jonathan Driller" <jdriller at orchid.org> wrote in message
news:a8cff9fb.0311121513.521ca948 at posting.google.com...
> I am very new to this and would greatly appreciate some insight.
> I am trying to learn Python by doing something useful; write a script
> that will count and output my aggregated visits to my website. I have
> a separate text file that holds the list of uri strings that I want to
> count and then this code. The log is sampleLog.txt.
> The problem is that it says all the preceding uris are 0 (they are
> not) and only the last string actually is counted....why is that?
> def stats():
> import sys
> import string
> #read the file of current urls - presumes it exists already
> x = open('urlList.txt')
> # note this reads as a file, not a list
> urlFile = x.read()
> # don't need to close but should
> x.close()
> #list what is in text file of urls
> print "Here is what we check now:\n", urlFile
> print "\n"
> # len(listName) gives # of list elements
> #turn url listings into list
> z = open('urlList.txt')
> urlList = z.readlines()
> #open log file
> log = open('sampleLog.txt')
> logFile = log.read()
> #initialize counter at 0
> i = 0
> # loop through to search for urls
> while i < len(urlList):
> # put element into var
> check = urlList[i]
> #print out # found and what it was
> print check, " found" , string.count(logFile, check) ,"times
> \n"
> # increment for next item - can't do i ++
> i = i + 1
> z.close()
The lines you're reading from your test file all end
in a newline, so that may be the reason you're not
finding them in the log file. I suspect that you didn't
end your test file with a return, so that line was
check = urlList[i]
check = urlList[i].strip()
and it might work better.
Also, your imports belong at the module level,
not inside the definition.
John Roth
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