import cx_Oracle
Waldemar Osuch
osuchw at
Tue Nov 4 01:02:41 EST 2003
GrayGeek <jkrepsBEAR at> wrote in message news:<PqDpb.109407$%C5.82494 at>...
> Andy Todd wrote:
> > GrayGeek wrote:
> >
> >> Uwe Hoffmann wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>GrayGeek wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>Bernard Delmée wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>>It gives me an error about being unable to find the OCISetDefault
> >>>>>>entry point in 'oci.dll'.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>cx_Oracle works on top of the regular oracle client, which you'll
> >>>>>need to install before it works. The OCI libraries are parOCISetDefault
> >>>>>t of that.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>I have it installed, and have used it to create webpages using Oracle's
> >>>>HTP.P function, and I also accessed tables on the Oracle9 server from
> >>>>JDev9
> >>>>and from PLSQLDeveloper. The oci.dll is in the Oracle Home/dll
> >>>>directory. As my first post indicated, cx_Oracle is able to see oci.dll,
> >>>>it just can't communicate with it properly.
> >>>>???
> >>>
> >>> i think that the binaries were built against another version of oracle.
> >>> i had a similar problem with DCOracle2 (versions 8.0.5 vs. 8.1.7 or
> >>>7.3.3 vs. 8.0.5).
> >>> As far as i remember OCISetDefault was one of the problematic symbols.
> >>
> >>
> >> I'm hoping that we can switch from Java to Python but since we are
> >> standardizing on Oracle having a reliable Python connection to Oracle 9i
> >> is
> >> important. mmm... Maybe I can use PostgreSQL for a proof of concept...
> >
> > Is $ORACLE_HOME/bin on your path? This is how cx_Oracle picks up the
> > oci.dll. Its not necessary for the Oracle toolks like JDeveloper and
> > SQL*Plus, but its essential for third party tools.
> Yes. cx_Oracle has no problem finding oci.dll, it just can find the right
> 'entry point'.
> >
> > You don't mention which version of Oracle you are using. There are
> > binaries for either Oracle 8i or 9i with Python 2.2 on the home page
> > ( but they won't work
> > with earlier versions of Oracle. Although, with a bit of luck and a
> > following wind the 8i binary can be used to access a 9i database (it
> > just can't do anything with the new features). But on the whole you will
> > be better off getting the appropriate driver for your database version.
> I started using Python 2.3 and when I ran into this problem my first tack
> was to remove Python 2.3 and revert to Python 2.2, but Python 2.2 shows the
> same problem. We use both Oracle 8i and Oracle 9i. I am attempting to
> connect to my Oracle 9i database. I have tried both binaries and the
> "import cx_Oracle" dies in both using Python 2.2 against Oracle 9i.
I had similar problem once on a machine with two Oracle installations.
cx_Oracle was finding oci.dll all right but it was the wrong one.
When I found a machine with only one version of Oracle the problem
went away.
After this hurdle was over I had nothing but positive impressions from
using cx_Oracle module.
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