Extending Scientific.Statistics.Histogram...
google.pobox at pobox.com
Wed Nov 12 16:10:33 EST 2003
google.pobox at pobox.com (bleh) wrote in message news:<bb58e676.0311111429.68f3fd2f at posting.google.com>...
> ...to include a removeData(datatoremove) function, to mirror the
> existing addData(datatoadd) function. If anybody knows of somewhere
> where this has been done already, if you could point me in that
> direction I'd be much obliged...
NM -- I figured out the (embarrassingly, ridiculously easy) solution
on my own. Here it is, in case anybody wants it...
import Numeric; N = Numeric
from Scientific.Statistics.Histogram import Histogram
class ExtendedHistogram(Histogram):
def __init__(self, data, nbins, range=None):
Histogram.__init__(self, data, nbins, range)
self._setup(data, nbins, range)
def removeData(self, data):
Remove the values in |data| (a sequence of numbers) from the
originally supplied data. Note that this does not affect the
default range of the histogram, which is fixed when the
histogram is created.
n = (len(data)+999)/1000
for i in range(n):
def _removeData(self, data):
data = N.array(data, N.Float)
data = N.repeat(data, N.logical_and(N.less_equal(data, self.max),
N.greater_equal(data, self.min)))
data = N.floor((data - self.min)/self.bin_width).astype(N.Int)
nbins = self.array.shape[0]
histo = N.add.reduce(N.equal(N.arange(nbins)[:,N.NewAxis],
data), -1)
histo[-1] = histo[-1] + N.add.reduce(N.equal(nbins, data))
# this next line is the only change... changed the "+" to a "-"
self.array[:, 1] = self.array[:, 1] - histo
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