beeping under linux

Christophe Delord no.spam
Wed Nov 19 18:19:58 EST 2003


you can for instance write to /dev/audio
Here is a simple and ugly beep function (not really portable). It builds
a string with a signal having the expected frequency, amplitude (between
0 and 255) and duration (in seconds) :

def beep(frequency, amplitude, duration):
    sample = 8000
    half_period = int(sample/frequency/2)
    beep = chr(amplitude)*half_period+chr(0)*half_period
    beep *= int(duration*frequency)
    audio = file('/dev/audio', 'wb')

beep(440, 63, 1)

There must be more smarter solutions...


On 19 Nov 2003 19:41:28 +0000, Alexander Schmolck wrote:

> This is only partly a python question, but what is the easiest way to
> get python to (reliably) beep under linux? By reliably I mean that
> ``print "\b"`` won't do because it depends on the terminal settings --
> so I guess I'm looking for some simple way to more or less directly
> access the internal speaker(maybe writing to something in /dev/).
> [The usage scenario is simply to have an effective way of signalling
> that a long running-process finshed, without me having to constantly
> look at the screen]
> 'as

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