Explanation of macros; Haskell macros
Joachim Durchholz
joachim.durchholz at web.de
Mon Nov 3 12:16:17 EST 2003
Peter Seibel wrote:
>> Personally, I'd still prefer a compiler that's evaluating constant
>> expression.
> Hmmm. If it will make you feel any better, macros are just fuctions
> whose domain and range happens to be Lisp expressions. That happen to
> be run by the compiler. So eventually the compiler is evaluating
> constant expressions, just some of them were automatically derived
> from the written source.
Hmm... you're right here.
The HOF approach has one advantage over the DEFMACRO approach: code
written using HOFs will automagically adapt if some of the constant
inputs become variable, or vice versa. For DEFMACRO, if a constant
becomes input, the macro will become inapplicable and the source code
will have to change; for HOFs, the compiler will be able to
automatically adapt.
>> Is there anything that a macro does that can't be done by
>> preevaluating data structures that contain functions (or closures)?
>> At first glance, I'd say no, but then I don't know what macros are
>> used for in practice.
> Well it depends whether you consider syntax to be "anything". I think
> it was you who objected to one of my examples by saying, "that's
> just syntactic sugar". Macros can (and many do) do large amount of
> under-the-covers bookkeeping. For instance here are a few rules from
> a grammar for a lexer for Java source code:
> (defprod line-terminator () (/ #\newline (#\return (? #\newline))))
> (defprod white-space () (/ #\space #\tab #\page line-terminator))
> (defprod input () ((* input-element) (? #\Sub)))
> (defprod input-element () (/ white-space comment token))
> (defprod token () (/ identifier java-keyword literal separator
> operator))
> DEFPROD is a macro that squirrels away the stuff on the right which
> is an s-expy form of BNF. The rest of the grammar is more of the
> same. At the bottom of the grammar file where the productions are
> diffined I have this form:
> (deflexer java-lexer (input) ((:tokens identifier java-keyword
> literal separator operator)))
> That DEFLEXER call (another macro) expands into a single parsing
> function built out of all the productions created by DEFPROD calls,
> appropriately wired together and embedded into code that takes care
> of the stepping through the input and gather up values, etc. And that
> function is compiled into extremely efficient code because all the
> intercommunication between productions goes through lexical
> variables. And the file containing these calls to DEFPROD and
> DEFLEXER is legal Lisp source which I can feed to the compiler and
> get native machine code back.
> So I don't know if that is "anything" or not.
It most definitely is "something" :-)
> I don't know how I would write such a thing in Haskell, et al. but I
> know this is a *lot* cleaner than what *I'd* be able to do in Java,
> Perl, Python, or C.
I'm looking at things from a Haskell perspective.
Actually, functional languages do similar things; it's called
"combinator parsing".
The basic approach is this: you have parsing functions that each
recognize a particular language, trivial parsers that each recognize
just one element of the alphabet, and parser combinators that take one,
two, or more subparsers and combine them into a bigger one (for
constructing alternatives, options, repetitions and whatever your
personal flavor of BNF can do).
I don't know enough about any approach to do an in-detail comparison,
but the rough picture seems to be pretty similar.
Downside of combinator parsing: it's difficult to get bottom-up parsers
done that way. Also, simple-minded combinator parsers tend to do
backtracking, though it's not very difficult to make the combinators
diagnose and report violations of LL(whatever) properties.
Ah - I see one other thing that HOFs cannot do: issue compile-time error
Unless, of course, there is a data type that, when evaluated at compile
time, causes the compiler to emit an error message... not /that/
difficult to do, but might require some careful thought to make the
mechanism interact well with other properties of the language.
>> Um, well, yes, there is one thing that macros can do: extending
>> syntax in ways that aren't part of the original language syntax.
>> E.g. replacing all those parentheses by indentation, or something
>> similar un-Lispish. (Extending syntax in such ways is a mistake
>> IMHO, but YMMV. Anyway, I'm more interested in the question if
>> there's any /semantics/ that can be done via macros but not via
>> compile-time evaluation.)
> Actually, changing the syntax is--if one thinks one must--is really
> done by read-macros which are quite different. But most Lispers agree
> with you--there's just not enough benefit to changing the syntax to
> be worth it.
> Except for occasionally making a new syntax for expressing certain
> frequently created literal objects that otherwise would require a
> much more verbose creation form. (Someone gave a great example the
> other day in another thread of an airline reservation system (Orbitz
> I think) that has a special kind of object used to represent the
> three-letter airport codes. Since they wanted to always have the same
> object representing a given airport they needed to intern the objets
> with the TLA as the key. But rather than writing (intern-airport-code
> "BOS") everywhere, they wrote a reader macro that let them write:
> #!BOS. Since this was an incredibly common operation in their system,
> it was worth a tiny bit of new syntax. But note, again, that's not
> *changing* the syntax so much as extending it.)
In my book, "extending" isn't so much different than "changing".
I agree it's the kind of worthwhile change that makes sense.
In Haskell, one would probably have an "Airport" module that defined
these codes, and write something like
which is more syntax than #!BOS but seems good enough for me. (YMMV.)
>>>> Letting the compiler evaluate what it can means that I don't
>>>> even have to learn extra forms.
>>> I'm not sure what "extra" forms you're talking about. Other than
>>> DEFMACRO, I guess. But by that argument we'd be better off
>>> without DEFUN too because that's just another darn thing to
>>> learn.
>> I believe it's not DEFMACRO that's complicating things, it's the
>> macros that it allows (see above).
> Fair enough. But do you object to the ability to write new functions
> on the grounds that that just means you have a lot of new functions
> to learn and that complicates things needlessly? That's obviously a
> rhetorical question but I am actually curious why you find them
> different, if you do.
It's just the KISS principle: why two abstraction facilities (macros and
functions) if one suffices?
Provided that functions suffice, actually :-)
>> Agreed. I'm getting more and more convinced that it's not language
>> size or KISS issues that's setting me off, it's that "two-tier
>> thinking" that I (perhaps mistakenly?) associate with macros.
> The funny thing is to me, when you say "two-tier thinking" that
> perfectly describes how I think about the process of making
> abstractions. Regardless of the *kind* of abstraction one is
> creating, one has to be facile at switching mental gears between
> *building* the abstraction and *using* it. You are probably so used
> to doing this when writing functions that you don't even notice the
> switch.
Hmm... not consciously, but there is certainly a difference.
It seems to be smaller with functional languages, particularly if you're
working at higher levels.
In an FPL with proper syntactical minimalism, programming enters a
"we're sticking functions together" style, which partially abstracts
away the parameters (at least as entities you're conscious about). I.e.
the "using abstractions" thinking mode diminishes. (I'm not far enough
into that style to say how this works after that style was fully adopted.)
> But because macros are a bit strange you *notice* the switching and
> it annoys you. I suspect that anyone who's capable of building
> functional abstractions would--if they actually used macros--quickly
> learn to switch gears equally smoothly when writing and using macros.
Possibly... can't tell.
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