cgi module doesn't process query string values with POST, old bug report

Irmen de Jong irmen at
Mon Nov 10 16:50:30 EST 2003


I've got a nuisance with the cgi module. (Python 2.3.2)
When processing a HTTP POST request, it ignores the
query string parameters that may also be present.
I.e. only the parameters from the POST body are processed.

I've looked at a rather old bug report on SF;

but that bug is closed. The last comment is from Steve Holden,
and it says "...My approach will be to have the new functionality
depend on the provision of additional keyword arguments..."

Can somebody comment on this? (Steve?) I can't seem to find any
of this logic in the current (2.3.2) module.

Is it in there somewhere or has this bug been forgotten?

I have now added some code myself after creating a FieldStorage
object, to parse any additional query args using cgi.parse_qsl.
This way any query args are added to my form fields, possibly
overwriting the fields that were sent in the POST body.

But Steve's comment in the old bug report made me wonder
why the standard cgi module doesn't include this possibility.

--Irmen de Jong

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