Database connectivity
Robert Brewer
fumanchu at
Mon Nov 24 14:31:11 EST 2003
Others have made good points and pointers. Just wanted to make sure you
knew that you should be able to use ADO for MSSQL connections, as well.
The only serious change to your code will be using "NText" instead of
"Memo" types. Subclass your existing connectors and off you go, probably
within a day's coding or less. Then you can hunker down and consider the
cross-platform stuff.
Robert Brewer
Amor Ministries
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SectorUnknown [mailto:secun at]
> Sent: Monday, November 24, 2003 9:16 AM
> To: python-list at
> Subject: Database connectivity
> I've written a database (Access mdb) front-end using
> Python/wxpython/and
> ADO. However, the scope of the project has changed and I need
> to access
> the same data on an MSSQL server. Also, the front-end needs
> to be cross-
> platform (Windows and Linux).
> Does anyone have any suggestions on what database
> connectivity I should
> use? I've looked at mxODBC and wxODBC briefly, but am not
> sure what is
> the best way to go.
> BTW, although I would love to move away from the MSSQL server, that's
> not going to change.
> --
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