prePEP: Decimal data type

Batista, Facundo FBatista at
Tue Nov 4 12:40:37 EST 2003

Paul Moore wrote:

#- >> When passing floating point to the constructor, what 
#- should happen?
#- >>
#- >>     j. ``Decimal(1.1) == Decimal('1.1')``
#- >>     k. ``Decimal(1.1) ==
#- >> Decimal('110000000000000008881784197001252...e-51')``
#- >
#- > Clearly, j is the correct answer. It's not all that hard 
#- to do, either.
#- No way. Consider:
#- >>> 1.1
#- 1.1000000000000001
#- >>> 1.1==1.1000000000000001
#- True
#- So what should Decimal(1.1000000000000001) evaluate to? It can't be
#- Decimal('1.1'), as that contradicts your statement that j "clearly"
#- applies. But it *also* can't be 
#- Decimal('1.1000000000000001'), as then
#- we have the *same number* converting to two *different* Decimal
#- values.

This is really the problem. Option (j) seems to be correct but is not.
Option (k) *is* correct, but not what you want to do, :(

Maybe the more natural solution is not to accept float (you always can write
that *same* number as a string, and it'll be correct, and sure i'll be doing
what you expect).

#- into :-) Having a special method, say Decimal.round_float(f, digits),
#- is probably OK, though...

Mmmm. Digits in the first meaning or the second? Should round or truncate?

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Muchas Gracias.
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