Leo + Python: the ultimate scripting tool: Conclusion
eltronic at juno.com
eltronic at juno.com
Mon Nov 10 00:42:19 EST 2003
On Sun, 9 Nov 2003 21:29:35 -0500 "Terry Reedy" <tjreedy at udel.edu>
> "Edward K. Ream" <edreamleo at charter.net> wrote
> [lots of stuff about the benefits of Leo over several posts]
> > Edward K. Ream email: edreamleo at charter.net
> In response to this series, I sent you a friendly note saying a) I am
> considering Leo as a base for a future project and
> b) I think there is a problem with a couple of
> lines in the code you posted.
NameError: name 'c' is not defined?
I wondered about that too...(if that was it)
but I think the exuberance of being able to
script the find/change is totally justified.
you can't have too much automation, too many
examples or enough right click menus for me.
> In response, you sent me the
> ----------
> You recently sent a message to me at the email address
> edreamleo at charter.net. To help cope with the ever increasing volume
> of
> junk e-mail, I am using ChoiceMail, a permission-based e-mail
> filtering tool. Your original e-mail is being held by ChoiceMail
> until
> you complete the following simple one-time process.
> Please click on the link
> [Click here to request approval]
> When your browser opens, fill in your name and a short reason for
> wanting to send e-mail to me. If your reason is acceptable, your
> first
> email and all subsequent e-mails from you will be delivered to me
> normally.
> ------------
> I will not beg you to read my bug report. Such a request is *NOT*
> a
> legitimate 'anti-junk-mail' measure.
personal email to an author is rarely welcome
as a bug report! although in this case a tossup.
if you've checked the sourceforge forums,
you would see the nature of the response
time to problems of any kind including wild eyed
spitballing of ideas is nearly immediate.
> Being unable to communicate directly with you makes
> Leo less inviting to me. If I were
> to adopt Leo for a project anyway,
> I would warn users to not email the above address.
not wanting the job of channeling EKR,
you must realize the level of spam a project like
Leo generates would render any email address
unusable in short time.
really, it's a painless few clicks & keystrokes,
if you can get over your initial reaction.
since spam isn't going away, you have to admit
this is one of few good solutions.
there are additional bug reports and a diary of
the Leo dev cycle in LeoPy.leo and LeoDocs.leo
and an active forum on sourceforge.
please forward all spam to "me"<uce at ftc.gov>
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