Unicode and Zipfile problems

Martin v. Löwis martin at v.loewis.de
Fri Nov 7 14:07:30 EST 2003

gerson.kurz at t-online.de (Gerson Kurz) writes:

> There should be two modes, easily configurable: "dontcare" and
> "international". 

I'd be curious what precisely it is that has two modes.

> "dontcare" can be implemented easily enough by changing site.py (I
> only have to find out how to remove that s***** DepracationWarning
> introduced in 2.3 for source with german comments, for christs sake!
> comments!). 

You can add a warning filter to site.py. However, I'm curious what
else "dontcare" would do, specifically.

> - the locale module relys on the C implementation, not the OS
> implementation (the OS settings should take higher priority), has
> documentation errors, and is generally, well, ugly. strftime, need I
> say more? 

Yes, please do. What is the difference between the C implementation
and the OS implementation?

> - the gettext API sucks, especially if you need to change text along
> the way. Python is an interpreted language, why not simply use one or
> more module "strings.py" which contain the strings which are refered
> to by identifiers? 

Because that is more difficult to process for translators.


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