running functions in parallel on multiple processors
Jon Franz
jfranz at
Mon Nov 3 09:50:23 EST 2003
I may have something laying around that would be useful for you -
its a module I wrote that makes forked multi-process programing
very easy, since each process accesses a shared data-store
automatically. I haven't released it due to a lack of time to write
documentation, but it sounds like it may be the sort of thing you could use.
It's called remoteD, and it works like this:
import remoteD, time
SharedD = remoteD.initShare()
def child_function(Shared, arg1, arg2):
# the first arg will be the Shared
# dictionary-like object
# put shared data into the dictionary whenever you want
Shared["myresult"] = 5
SharedD.newProc(child_function, [arg1, arg2])
while not SharedD.has_key("myresult"):
print "The other process got " + SharedD["myresult"] + " as the answer"
stubShare objects, which are created by initShare() or newProc (which
puts the newly created sharestub as the first arg, ahead of your own in
the argument list for your function), act like dictionaries. .has_key(),
.keys() and del all work fine. You can also lock the whole share
by simply calling .Lock(), and later .UnLock() on any stubShare object.
Anything python object that can be pickled can be stored in a share.
Behind the scenes, the first call to initShare() forks a server process that
the shared data and accepts connections from share stub objects.
returns a stubShare object in the calling process. The server will comit
suicide after a couple of seconds without any connected stubShares,
so you don't need to clean it up explicitly. (You can also force the
server to stay alive, but thats a different topic)
Fork is required.
By default, initShare() uses IP sockets, but you can easily tell it to use
unix sockets, which are much faster:
the 'port' argument is overidden for use with unixsockets - so you can
choose to name your socket yourself, instead of using the default
you can also use the createShareServer function and stubShare class
themselves to share data across machines.
As for scalability - I've had hundreds of child processes running
and sharing data with this (unixsocks), but I have no hard numbers
on whether the overhead involved with the stubShare objects slowed
things down greatly. I will say this:
Avoid repeated references to the shared data - assigning to a local variable
will perform a deepcopy, and will be faster. So do things like the
to avoiding hitting the shared data every operation:
myValue = SharedD['remoteValue']
myValue += 5
# other manipulations of myValue here
# much later, when you are done:
SharedD['remoteValue'] = myValue
Anyway, I'll end up writing better documentation and doing an official
on sourceforge later this week - but for now you can download it at:
I hope this helps, feel free to bug me with questions.
~Jon Franz
NeuroKode Labs, LLC
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Schmitt" <nomail at>
To: <python-list at>
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 8:42 AM
Subject: running functions in parallel on multiple processors
> Hello.
> What is the usual way for running functions in parallel on a
> multiple-processor machine. Actually I want to run a single
> expensive function with different parameter sets.
> Running the functions in different threads doesn't seem to work, because
> the global interpreter lock.
> Would it help to fork processes, which run the single function with a
> parameter set? Is there any simple way, how this forked worker process can
> report its result back to the controlling process?
> Thanks.
> Best regards,
> Michael
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