Malformed Header
Eric Wichterich
eric.wichterich at
Mon Nov 3 12:50:15 EST 2003
Hi Kiran,
about the PYTHONPATH:
Simply write this small program or use a line-interpreter:
"import sys
print sys.path"
In case you are using Windows, I am afraid, I can't offer any real
help. I use Mac OS X, so I don't know how to examine this special
Maybe you could try reinstalling mysqldb and check if you did
everything properly as mentioned in the install doc. Otherwise it could
be a good idea to post again in this python-list-forum (e.g.: Subject:
"Importing MySQLdb module causes malformed header error")
Am Montag, 03.11.03 um 18:32 Uhr schrieb Kiran Budhrani:
> When I downloaded the MySQLdb module, i installed it in the python
> directory. Im not sure if i should have installed it on apache > instead.
> Im sorry but this is my first time to use python and im not really
> familiar with all the terminologies. Im not sure if the local host you
> mentioned is the same one as the one in control panel>Administrative
> tools>Data Sources.. this is where i connected the SQL driver and the
> database called 'try' and the host is ""-apache settings
> How do i check the PYTHONPATH? Im pretty sure i have only 1 python
> installed.
> I tried doing this too...
> "db = MySQLdb.connect(host="", db="try")" - i dint put the
> username and password coz i did not set any.
> BUt it still wont work... same error...
> From all my checking and testing, im pretty sure the error occurs in
> the 'import MySQLdb' line. But i dont knw where else i could import it
> from...
> Thanks Eric!
> ~kiran~
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