Access sql with python, please. I'm desperate

Tim Roberts timr at
Wed Nov 12 23:29:05 EST 2003

"DD" <ad at> wrote:
>Could anyone please help me??
>Is there somebody who could explain me how to make a connection to a access
>database with a python cgi script.
>Could anyone explain it to me as simple as possible please. I'm using
>Windows XP, ActivePython 2.3.2 build 230 and Microsoft access(XP?)
>I normally use Linux, but this has to be in MS office
>>>> engine = win32com.client.Dispatch("DAO.DBEngine.35")
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
>  File "C:\Python23\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\", line 72,
>in _GetGoodDispatch
>    IDispatch = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(IDispatch, None, clsctx,
>com_error: (-2147221230, 'Klasse is niet gelicenseerd voor gebruik', None,

The error code (-2147221230 is 80040112) and the word "gelicenseerd"
indicates that you don't have Microsoft Access or Microsoft Visual Basic
installed on your system.  If you DO have one of them installed, there are
instructions in the Microsoft knowledge base in article number 240377 on
how to fix up the registry.
- Tim Roberts, timr at
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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