Help with Apache 2.0.47 and CGI
Fausto Arinos de A. Barbuto at
Sun Nov 9 21:35:48 EST 2003
Hi All;
I have Apache 2.0.47 installed for a single user on port 8080, Python
2.3.2 on C:\Python23 and ActiveState's Perl on C:\Perl. Everything seems
to work fine after the changes I made in httpd.conf, but I can't for some
reason run Python scripts that sit on this computer's cgi-bin directory
scripts run ok). The message I get in either IE 6 and Netscape 7.1 is
"Internal Server Error". Have any of you had similar experience?
Another peculiar thing is that Perl scripts run OK in Netscape 7.1,
although IE 6 tries to *download* .pl files instead of running them -- as if
I were ftp-ing a file from some web site. Any clues?
Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks.
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